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URI Problem 2617 Solution Provider Ajax SA - URI Online Judge Solution

URI Online Judge Solution 2617 Provider Ajax SA Using PostgreSQL Query Language.

The financial sector has encountered some problems in the delivery of one of our providers, the delivery of the products does not match the invoice.
Your job is to display the name of the products and the name of the provider, for the products supplied by the provider 'Ajax SA'.


id (PK)numeric
namecharacter varying (255)
streetcharacter varying (255)
citycharacter varying (255)
statechar (2)
id (PK)numeric
namecharacter varying (255)
id_providers (FK)numeric


1Ajax SAPresidente Castelo BrancoPorto AlegreRS
2Sansul SAAv BrasilRio de JaneiroRJ
3South ChairsAv MoinhoSanta MariaRS
4Elon ElectroApoloSão PauloSP
5Mike ElectroPedro da CunhaCuritibaPR
1Blue Chair30300.005
2Red Chair502150.001
3Disney Wardrobe400829.504
4Blue Toaster209.903
5Solar Panel303000.254

Output Sample

Red ChairAjax SA

URI 2617 Solution in SQL:

FROM products
INNER JOIN providers ON products.id_providers =
WHERE = 'Ajax SA'


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