URI Online Judge Solution 2936 How Much Cassava? Using Python Programming Language. Every year in April, the Curupira, BoitatĆ”, the pink Boto (this one in his man form, as Dona Chica likes it better), Mapinguari and Iara meet at Dona Chica to remember their moments with Mani, the beautiful girl with the white skin. And as it could not be different the main dish of this meeting is the cassava. Each one of them eats one to ten servings of cassava and they always warn Dona. Chica in advance about how many servings they will eat that day. The size of the portion of each is different, but they are always the same. The portions are as follows (in grams): Curupira eats 300 BoitatĆ” eats 1500 Boto eats 600 Mapinguari eats 1000 Iara eats 150 Dona chica in turn always eats 225 grams of cassava. Tired of every year having to figure out how much cassava to prepare she contacted you to write a program that tells how much cassava should be prepared in grams. ...
URI Online Judge Solution 2896 Enjoy the Offer Using Python Programming Language. A supermarket is doing a sales promotion for soft drinks. If one day you buy soft drinks and bring the empty bottles the next day, they exchange each set of K empty bottles for a full one. A customer wants to make the most of this offer and therefore bought several bottles on the first day of the promotion. Now he wants to know how many bottles he will have at the end of the second day of the promotion if he use it to the fullest. Make a program to calculate this. Input The first input line contains integer T (1 ≤ T ≤ 10000), which indicates the number of test cases. In each of the following T lines come two integers N and K (1 ≤ K, N ≤ 10000), respectively the number of soft drinks bought and the number of empty bottles to gain a full. Output For each test case print the number of bottles that the customer will have on the second day, if he makes the most of the offer. Inpu...